Monday, 6 April 2015

Don't you worry, don't you worry child

Hello all! I am so sorry for the delay in posting again! I am currently having a catch up because I've actually taken loads of photos recently, but just haven't had the time to upload them. I've had a crazy few months, but I feel that I'm always having a crazy few months so what is the difference haha?

 So what's new for me? A lot of things. I set out this year to really make a change to my attitude and the way I approach things. It has been a challenge. I had a tough final teaching practice, with near on 40 pupils across four year groups to teach. Unsurprisingly, it was extremely stressful and there were points where I doubted myself. Nevertheless, after much resilience I got to the finish line and actually learnt the most from a placement than I ever have before. The thing that got me through it was my support network; I've been very lucky this year in that I have made an AMAZING set of friends through my hockey team (though it is such a shame I have not known them as long as I would like to) who were just there for me to rant to and blow off some steam. So a massive shout out to you fab girls :) 

So now that I have finished placement I am onto the next immense task: my dissertation! Why on earth universities advocate this hardship on any poor student I do not know. As far as I can see at the moment, they only cause an abundance of stress. I'm sure once I've completed it I'll feel proud of what I've achieved, but right now I feel like bashing my head against a wall! I am making progress with it now though. I'm not entirely sure what I have written but the word count is slowly increasing, which is a good sign.

At the same time as slugging away at my diss, I'm looking for jobs. This is slightly daunting and disheartening as I've not had much luck as of yet, but I truly believe everything happens for a reason and I will find the place that I am supposed to teach at. I'm trying not to think about how little of university I have left, but when I'm looking for work and the deadlines keep creeping up on me, it's hard to ignore that I will be entering the next stage of my life. It's bittersweet because I have loved everything up and down of uni, the people I have met along the way, and how it has shaped the person I've grown to be. But at the same time, I do want to begin the next step. It is exciting but scary. There is a lot to leave behind, but also a lot more waiting to be discovered! So on the whole I feel like I have learnt to be a lot more resilient this year, and try and see the silver linings.

Anyway, these photos were taken an embarrassingly long time ago (as you can probably tell since I am tanned in the photos and at present I am much paler), so I am not even going to admit exactly when. Over the last year I have seen patterned trousers and leggings becoming a staple item on the high street. I got these patterned leggings from Topshop some time ago, but I think they are perfect for the transition from winter into spring, as they are relatively neutral. In these photos I've paired them with a slouchy white jumper for the chillier days, but recently I've been matching them up with a gorgeous yellow blazer (which I'm sure I'll be sharing soon on here) to give a more summery vibe. Let me know what you think!

Leggings: Topshop
Jumper: Primark
Shoes: Redbox at Intu Derby

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